Gain new insights for yourself and your life with a Past Life Regression Hypnosis.
Participants limited to 10 people.
For more info call – 410-479-0434
Ticket Cost: $45 per person (Scroll Down To Purchase Tickets)
Over the past few months that we’ve all had to come to terms with a new reality. We’re coming face-to-face with ourselves, as never before, with the development of the Covid-19 pandemic and in such times of great unrest, upheaval, and change in our world: so many losses, changes, decisions, challenges, possible new directions. It is a time to look inward and recognize ourselves we have not done before.
Many years ago, in the aftermath of tragedies in my own life, I became aware of and involved myself in training and learning about the concept of past life regression. This may seem strange and new, but in the world of hypnotists, it has been around since at least the 1950s or so. Numerous psychologists, psychiatrists, and various types of healers, as well as researchers, have written books about case studies of persons who have actually been healed from bewildering symptoms, as a result of having a past life regression experience.
This technique can sometimes recall certain parts or character traits of yourself. It could help explain why you might “remember” places or experiences you have not actually been in before, or why you seem to “know” a person you have not actually met before. It may explain why you are attracted to travel to certain places, or why you are attracted to certain periods in history. It may explain why you are drawn to a certain type of career. It can also help you to get some inner guidance for the direction you should take in your life now. You get to set the intention yourself for what this experience should mean to you.
Maybe you are wondering about hypnosis, Can I be hypnotized? Am I giving control over my mind to someone else? Is this like what I saw on TV,or in a show at the fairgrounds?
Well, all hypnosis is really self-hypnosis. I cannot control another person’s mind. At its most basic level, hypnosis is actually a state of mind in which the subconscious mind temporarily becomes dominant over the conscious awareness. It accesses the right brain function, that which is involved in daydreaming or dreaming, which is activated with the imagination, from which great art and literature and music are created. For these purposes, it’s simply focused concentration while in deep relaxation. With the progressive relaxation portion at the outset, the brain wave frequency actually shifts as you drift into the relaxed and calm state. One is aware of the surroundings but focused inwardly.
In a guided past-life regression, a story evolves from the inner mind, while in the relaxed state. You are accessing the imaginal hypnotic world, wherein one sees oneself as if in a former lifetime. You are in your body, yet leave the here and now, going backwards gently in time, remembering other times and other places, mudh like you do in the dream state.
Special background music helps you to move into this state, as does the guidance of my voice. You will be guided to recall other times and other places. It is possible that here, you will gain new guidance and understandings about yourself. Most people who “remember” a past life do not forget the experience.
While this will be a group experience, it is very much your own experience. You may want to bring a notepad to jot down your recollections from the experience. You could share if you want to do so, or keep the experience to yourself and ponder it. The intention here, for this event, is to have an experience of insight and self-learning, while immersed in the beauty of the starlit night in the countryside.
I have decided to offer this as an outdoor event, in a very safe way. You will be asked to wear a mask as you come in. We will practice social distancing, as per CDC guidelines. Chairs will be placed at least six feet apart. You can enjoy the beauty of the evening and of the stars in the countryside, settle in to learn more, then hopefully experience new insights about parts of yourself and messages from the past to guide your way forward into the life you are in now.