Hypnotherapy can help you to manage your body’s response to stress.
Through the voice of your own inner mind, you can uncover root causes of your own negative behavior patterns and heal the past by altering your perception of yourself in it, and can thus change thinking patterns at a subconscious level.
Helpful with:
- Anxiety
- Stress overload
- Being unable to fall asleep
- Bruxism or nighttime teeth grinding
- Weight control and food addiction
- Destructive behavioral patterns
- Locating the underlying, root cause of a problem in life
- Needing to overcome an emotional block
Whew, what a trip, a very good trip…I have never felt so good, so relaxed, so at peace….I am very peaceful now…It all goes back to the trust…
Brief history of hypnosis
Hypnotherapy is the clinical use of hypnosis, in which hypnosis techniques are utilized to help access a very special state of concentration while in deep relaxation. Corrective suggestive therapy is designed specifically according to a patient’s needs and desires. This is accomplished after a thorough clinical assessment has been completed, in order to define the problem and develop a helpful framework.
Hypnosis may be defined as a state of mind in which the subconscious awareness is dominant over the conscious awareness. The conscious mind is that faculty used to gather and analyze information for storage in the brain’s memory bank. The subconscious mind is more like a transmitting station. As the “inner mind”, it is understood to be a focus of control directing body function, as well as emotional and spiritual functioning.
In hypnosis, the analytical processes of the mind are “moved out of the way” temporarily and by design, for the clinical purpose intended. The word hypnosis comes from the Greek word, “hypno”, meaning sleep. But the subject is not asleep. He or she is simply in a very relaxed state, able to use the mind’s energy, directed for a specific purpose. Hypnosis has references in the literature dating back to Greek times, but in more modern times, doctors such as Mesmer and Freud in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries were using hypnosis for the purpose of effecting a cure.
Hypnosis for medical and psychotherapeutic purposes became accepted practice back in the 1950’s, and has gained more widespread acceptance as a treatment method because of its short-term treatment length.
It may come as a surprise that all hypnosis is self-hypnosis; nobody can be hypnotized without being a willing subject, and the subject can always reject the suggestion. A patient is not being treated by hypnosis, but rather in hypnosis.
Hypnosis in itself does not cure, but it allows the patient a clearer view of his problems, enabling him to meet his needs with new understanding. The hypnotic state is a meaningful, interpersonal relationship involving real therapist rapport and patient participation. Because of the patient’s increased receptivity and genuine therapeutic needs, the productive involvement of the patient with the hypnotherapist can result in the ready acceptance of suggestions. This is an amazing and helpful short-term treatment modality.
Adapted and excerpted from “Why Hypnosis Works,” Dr. Michael Preston’s article in Medical Hypnoanalysis Journal, September, 1989
Alternative medicine, The Definitive Guide, published a study comparing the effectiveness of psychoanalysis, behavior therapy and hypnotherapy.
The results were:
- After 600 sessions, 38% of patients reported recovery from their conditions
- After 22 sessions of behavior therapy, 72% reported recovery
- Hypnotherapy had a 93% success rate after 6 sessions