This blog is not intended to be a weight-loss manual. As you might suspect, right-eating fosters improved mental health. The main reason is that the blood sugar levels, affected by the glycemic index of foods, foster peaks and valleys in performance and motivation.
As you probably have read or heard elsewhere, yo-yo dieting is unhealthy.
It never ceases to amaze me how many of my clients and their children consume carbohydrate-laden foods, mostly “bad carbs,” day in, day out. This affects both mood and self-esteem.
So, my advice to you is to educate yourself about right choices in foods, and tricks to continue wanting those foods. I like to think of “dietary technology” or strategy as the way to think about weight control. Such strategy may be found in many places. Start by reading a book, such as Atkins Diet Revolution, or South Beach Diet, or Zone, or Weight Watchers…choose your best fit with one of these, or another solid program and begin this journey as a long term solution.
You might be thinking, but I have no motivation, or I know all the right things, but I just never follow through. Or every diet fails me. Or I gain it all back again. Consider learning self-hypnosis as an adjunctive tool, to address the underlying causes in the subconscious mind, and begin “reprogramming” the software of the mind to to what you want it consciously to do.
As one of my mentors said to me:
“You are what you eat, and you become what you think about, most of the time…
Contact me to learn more about [fancy_link link=”/contact” variation=”teal”]how I can help you with your weight loss issues.[/fancy_link]
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