Natural Remedies for Depression & Anxiety

Many of my clients state that they would much prefer to avoid the use of medications and would rather natural remedies in dealing with their conditions. There are good reasons not to use medication if possible, given the plethora of side effects and the unstudied possibilities of long-term effects. Generally, if an individual is experiencing severe, such as suicidal thoughts, extensive sleeplessness or inability to function on a daily basis, I suggest that the individual talk with a physician about a trial of a prescription medication. These definitely have a place, and in some cases, there is better living through chemistry! That said, I believe that we are a pill-popping society, and the media influences us to believe that taking medication should just be a part of what we do. Billions are made in the pharmaceutical industry. Much information comes from the advertising done by the drug companies themselves, and of course, they do stand to profit. Regarding depression Exercise of 30 min. per day can do much to alleviate depression – endorphins, the body’s natural pleasure producing chemicals, are released during exercise. I suggest that a person get started with just five minutes if that is all he or she…

Healthful Products

I feel that my website would not be complete without a discussion of some products that are good for your body. All of the hypnotic effects of advertising proffer the belief system that various personal care products that we buy are wonderful for us. But if you really dig deeply, you will find that many of the simple things we use every day, such as toothpaste, shampoo, makeup, deodorant, lotions, cosmetics, contain very harmful ingredients. These ingredients penetrate our bodies not only by ingesting them, but they also get inside of our skin and our tissues through our pores. I am not even sure of the current count, but I do know that a Senate subcommittee headed by Edward Kennedy during the 1990’s revealed that over 870 products on the market contained carcinogens: cancer-causing or promoting ingredients. I do not believe for a minute that we can totally eliminate exposure to toxins. All we need to do is breathe or drink water to get something bad into our system. But I do believe, based on pretty extensive research into original sources, that we can control the amount of toxins that we allow into our systems. An interesting article I recently…

Energy Psychology Techniques

Highly educated author and physician Andrew Weil, MD, said some years back that energy medicine will be the wave of the future.  These techniques are in use now, and they are actually moving more into the mainstream than ever before.  They can be used as an adjunct to the more standard therapies. EMDR is one such technique.  It involves stimulating right and left brain function with either light or eye movement, and it seems to help reduce intensity of traumatic memories.  Many psychiatrists and psychologists and emergency medicine practitioners are using this at scenes of trauma, such as disaster sites. Emotional Freedom Technique was originally formulated by psychologist, Roger Callahan, PhD.  Many others have contributed to this since his rather accidental discovery.  It is based on Chinese medicine, which has a five thousand year history, and seems to work off of the acupuncture system.  A person taps on acupressure points on the body, which are thought to be located at the endpoints of certain meridians, and where it is thought that chi energy is blocked.  Another possible explanation is that endorphins are released by tapping these points.  The idea is to talk about an issue or an emotion  while tapping on these…

Power of Thought

In all things, consider the power of the mind.   The vastness of thought becomes the gateway to the power of creating change in one’s life and in turn, in bettering our world.  I read somewhere that the movie star, Halle Berry, was inspired by her mother, a psychiatric nurse.  At various points in her life and career, her mom would say, “You aren’t here for no reason.  What do you think your purpose is?”   Brilliant.  One should be seeking to discover one’s own answer to this question. Thoughts are things.  If one can change the thoughts in one’s mind, then one can begin to gain some control, over oneself first, then over creating a new reality for self and in turn,  the world.So the first principle is to put good stuff into the mind.  Have you ever heard the term “gigo” ?  I am advised that it arose out of computer programming…  it means, “garbage in, garbage out”….If you put garbage into your computer mind programs, you are going to get garbage back out. We carry in our subconscious minds all thoughts, ideas, beliefs, attitudes, values, that we got since our birth, and it all goes back beyond that….this reservoir…

Self Care: Change How You Think!

So, how do we get to move ourselves into those feel-good emotions, at least for most of the time?  Well, that is the trick, is it not?  It is easy to feel great when life is treating us well, but then we hit that thing called an emotional roller coaster.  That is when we have ourselves defined by what is going on around us.  I am told that the Hawaiians have a saying for this:  “What is up is up, and What is down is down…”  I believe that one of their dialects says it this way, “Kaleela kaleela, kalalla, kallala” Psychiatrists call this state of  having our happiness be controlled by external events an “external locus of control”  instead of an “internal locus of control”.  We are all certainly somewhat subject to this phenomenon, but we can modulate it somewhat, by learning a few tricks, and developing coping strategies so that we are not always yanked around so much by the outside world. I was always intrigued by the book entitled, Everything I Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten.  It talks about things like taking naps, being on a schedule, eating right, making and keeping good friends, enjoying…