Self Help Blog

Announcing ‘Sunday Series’

Big plans are coming up in 2020! We are announcing our “Sunday Series” happening 1 Sunday per month from 1pm – 3pm. Anticipated sellout for limited quantities of seats available for the following: Learn Self-hypnosis for Stress Relief Hypnosis for weight loss Learn ‘EFT’ – Emotional Freedom Technique for Rapid Relief From Emotional Distress Heal Challenging Relationships, past and present, using Guided Imagery Use your Myers-Briggs personality style to access your strengths  as you move through a Life Transition Enjoy a “Past LIfe Regression” experience to help you address issues in this life! Let me know what interests you the most!

Dealing With Anxiety: Thinking Your Way Out Of It

One of the most acknowledged ways of dealing with anxiety is called Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, or CBT. I recently did an interview with Lindsey Victoria from A Life Well-Balanced. We spoke about simple and natural ways for you to cope with anxiety.   Here are the links to the resources we talked about in the video: ‘Healing Relaxation’ guided hypnosis The Feeling Good Handbook by Dr. Burns Click here to schedule an appointment with me   Here is another resource that gives you very specific ways to use this technique to change your thoughts, thus reduce the out of control feelings that you have. For those readers who desire specific and detailed ways to change thinking, I recommend this site. I like to think of this model, which is highly acclaimed, and about which numerous books and courses have been written, in a really simple way. Most simply put: “What could I say to myself to make myself feel better about this?” Interestingly, a developmentally disabled individual who suffers from severe anxiety, and even had a traumatic past, told me how he had already coped, over most of his life, with anxiety. He put it this way: “Most of the…

Should I Be Gluten Free?

What? Wheat? I actually thought for some time that the concept of “going gluten free” was some new fad diet. You may have sen the term on restaurant menus or in magazines, or on products in stores. And wondered about it like i did for so long. I would like to share with you my story, and that of a few others, as well as share with you some of the readings I devoured, then shared, and helped some clients. Maybe this can help you too. For a number of years, I was plagued with mysterious rashes which appeared primarily on my face and neck. I tried creams and ointments. I tried changing shampoos, conditioners, or makeup or laundry detergents. These rashes would come and disappear, then came with greater frequency. They were ugly, embarrassing, and itchy. For one particular such breakout, ten years ago, I had a very bad one, on neck and face, and went to the ER for care, was prescribed strong antibiotics, which eventually led to a very unusual and fairly rare illness called clostridium difficile, (aka C-diff), from which I nearly died and was hospitalized for 11 days…a very unhappy memory in my life! There…

Essential Oils – An Alternative to Medications

Frequently people ask me about alternatives to prescription medications; it is of course well known, researched and published, that these medications have effects, but also side effects. In one way, this is very good, because you know what to look for in case some unexpected result occurs. Sometimes, with some medications, side effects like nausea can disappear after a few days. Some medications carry a black box warning, meaning a serious side effect like suicidal ideation can occur. Thus, one should use caution, as we should all do when putting anything into or on our bodies. One must decide for oneself if something really helps, and whether benefit outweighs risks. There are some supplements which can help to relieve certain symptoms of anxiety and depression. For more severe disorders, medications are typically recommended by psychiatrists and physicians, but I still believe in benefits outweighing risks. The most commonly used supplements for depression are Sam-E, St. John’s Wort, Omega 3’s found in fish oil or flaxseed, and 5 HTP. These all seem to have few or no side effects: a good idea to check these out for yourself; much information is available online. Go to a reliable site; add a search…

A Therapist’s Thoughts About Affairs

This topic is a tough one. “We have trust issues…” are words I often hear in a first visit. This often from a recent discovery over electronics, or Social media, or it could refer back to something some years back. What to do? I think I used to feel a bit more judgmental about this topic, or towards the straying partner(s) until I became more informed, and indeed witnessed the extreme and agonizing pain inflicted on several generations by such an event. Whether or not a person is of a particular religious persuasion, I have to say…there must be a reason why somebody wrote down that Sixth Commandment: “Thou shalt not commit adultery.” It does create such a mess!! Once this event has occurred, the relationship will never be the same. However, some couples do seem able to address the situation and use the crisis as an opportunity to create growth and change, and even a better relationship. This all does depend on so many factors: age and stage of the relationship, history and background of each partner, willingness, and desire to work hard to create the changes necessary to demonstrate and live commitment. From my research, 48% of American…