by Gail Weissert | Jul 17, 2014 | Hypnosis, Weight Loss
I have decided to try to help more people with weight loss issues. This is not a new subject to me; I have been using some of these strategies, un-advertised, for nearly twenty years. We have all heard the statistics about Americans and obesity; about 60% of...
by Gail Weissert | Apr 14, 2014 | Weight Loss
I have noticed that being overweight often correlates with depression. So, a common strategy that many people choose is to go to the family doctor, who uncovers a probable depressive disorder. And the main thing that a doctor is trained to do is to prescribe a...
by Gail Weissert | Jun 11, 2013 | Hypnosis, Relationships
My clients come from a wide range of backgrounds and have very interesting life stories to tell. Some have turned life’s lemons into lemonade. Some seem to have had lives that are relatively easy. Many carry stories buried deep within, wherein an earlier hurt or...
by Gail Weissert | Mar 11, 2013 | Hypnosis
I think so. For twenty years, I have been attempting to wrap my mind around how hypnosis works. I wrote in an earlier article what appears to be an excellent framework regarding this topic. New discoveries based on hard science are now proliferating. Actually, the...