Self Care: Change How You Think!

Self Care: Change How You Think!

So, how do we get to move ourselves into those feel-good emotions, at least for most of the time?  Well, that is the trick, is it not?  It is easy to feel great when life is treating us well, but then we hit that thing called an emotional roller coaster.  That is when...
My Barn Has Burned Down, Now I Can See the Moon

My Barn Has Burned Down, Now I Can See the Moon

Recently, a client of mine who had previously found success in using the principles of cognitive behavioral therapy in her life asked me the question, “How can I reframe this?” Her life circumstance involved a very deep depression which came over her as a result of...
On Boundaries: Mending and Tending Fences

On Boundaries: Mending and Tending Fences

A kind of a buzzword in the field of addictions and mental health is a word called codependency.  This arose out of the effect that alcoholism was noted to have in the wife of the alcoholic;  she tended to cover up   and make excuses for her mate’s disease as it...
On Health, Never Say ‘Diet’

On Health, Never Say ‘Diet’

I have noticed that being overweight often correlates with depression.  So, a common strategy that many people choose is to  go to the family doctor, who uncovers a probable depressive disorder.  And the main  thing that a doctor is trained to do is to prescribe a...